Where would you be without healthy feet and ankles? Think about it. No movement, no daily routines, no sports. Your lower extremities need and deserve excellent day-to-day care. Here are ten essential tips for the best possible foot and ankle health. 1. Wash and Dry Your Feet Every Day Especially important for diabetics and other
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Who Is a Candidate for Partial Knee Replacement?
Partial knee replacement surgery is one of today’s medical marvels. It features small incisions, precise resurfacing of bone and cartilage, and faster recovery times. This orthopedic surgery helps a wide range of patients who are in relatively good health. Let’s talk about how partial knee arthroplasty works,who may be a candidate for it, and where
Read MoreHow Long Does a Robotic Knee Last?
A robotic knee is a robotic-assisted knee replacement performed by a highly trained orthopedic surgeon. This procedure restores the form and function of an arthritic or injured knee. However, most patients wonder, “How long does a robotic knee last?” Let’s learn more about this important topic and where you can go to get this surgery
Read MoreTips for Successful Shoulder Replacement Recovery
Healing and recovery area gradual process after any surgery, including shoulder replacement surgery – a common orthopedic procedure performed to treat shoulder joint pain, swelling, and reduced range of motion. If you’ve shoulder replacement surgery on the calendar,you may be looking for tips and tricks for a successful and speedy recovery. Let’s talk about some
Read More7 Symptoms That Suggest You Visit an Orthopedist
Our body comprises 206 bones, 360 joints connecting these bones, and several muscles and other soft tissues – even if one of them is not working the way it should be, it can heavily impact our overall well-being. Oftentimes, pains and aches of this musculoskeletal system go away on their own. While other times these
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